When I bought my Traveller’s Notebook, I knew I wanted to start something
different, I wanted to write down more things, and start new routines on my
Daily Life
So I have been watching a lot of You Tube videos, and got really enthusiastic
about a Gratitude Journal.
I do appreciate a lot in Life, I make it a habit to see the positive, even in
a really negative situation.
Sometimes Life is hard, let’s admit it. But we have a choice, to concentrate
on the negative and feel sorry for what happened, or after our ‘bereavement
time’ that’s what I call, because we are only humans, and yes we have to feel
sorry for a period of time, but then we have to move and face reality and move
Life is short, and every minute is so precious that sometimes, we forget to
see the little details around us, that are so positive.
We need to open our mind,and see it from a different angle, it really
Appreciate the small details, the small gestures and turn them into the
important things of your day
And this where the idea of the Gratitude Journal came about. After watching
this video, I wanted
to follow this idea.
I want to record all the Simple Gestures that happen to me on a Daily Basis,
I want to concentrate on positives in Life, those will be the moments, that make
it to my Gratitude Journal.
Hopefully when I feel down, I’ll look at it, and smile
I recommend that you to try it, it only takes five minutes of your day, but it
will make such a difference
Here’s what mine looks like, went to Pinterest, and printed some photos,
washi tape and voilá. It’s ready, and yesterdays five good things are already in
Let’s all bring more positives into our Daily Lifes
7 February 2016
1 January 2016
Happy New Year
First of all let me wish you a very Happy New Year
It's becoming so normal my distance from the blog, and no .... I don't want to stop it, at least not yet, no I don't want to give you more excuses.
Because I do love it, I still want to keep this space, it's great to look back, it's amazing how we change, how our thoughts and ideas change, it's just Lovely to look back at our journey, and imagine what the future holds
Let me take this opportunity to Thank You to all of you that still come and read my blog on my 'absence '
And what a journey it has been.
I could list you a lot of things I wish for 2016, I could but I won't bore you, it bores me too, believe me, all the intentions on the first day of the year.
2014 was a Special Year to me, it was most definitely a very good year, and gave me the chance to look at Life from a different angle
2015 has been a year of thoughts, a lot of personal discoveries.
I have been able to declutter quite a lot.
I started to really 'be' the person I want, without second thoughts, it was a year of liberation, from a lot that was being accumulated 'inside'
A year that the word no, came out with ease, without worries of upsetting whoever.
It was a very good year.A very positive year indeed
For 2016, I have a long term list of Dreams, no deadlines, no hurries no stress
I'll be entering another Special decade in my Life
I look back, and what a fantastic journey, not easy, but Amazing
Today, I'm just so Grateful of everything, everyone that I met in my journey, even the not so nice ones.
I've learned a lesson from all of you. When something bad happens to me, I look from a different angle, I see the positive, I look at what will I change from that moment on, I move forward much more certain of what I want or what I don't want.
And believe me, this is the best place to be in Life, when you can see things from a different angle
2015 was the year that I finally learned to switch off, from the world, from noise, from the negative.I have learned to look after myself, but truly look after myself fully hearted.
I enter 'my' world with such ease.
Selfish? Probably .... but still .... one of the best feelings I have felt.
For 2016 I just want to be Happy, Healthy and surrounded by all the Lovely Peolple that I have in my Life.
Anything else, it's a bonus.
All the Very Best for 2016, and Dream a lot xx
10 August 2015
My first experience with Art Journaling
Well … well … well…
Probably in hindsight not the best week to start, but such is Life, sometimes, things just don’t happened as you imagined or has you planned
I started, and I will show you later, but I wasn’t getting the vibes.
I don’t like to plan creativity, I like to go with the flow
My job, has to be extremely well planned, organized and so on, with my creative Life I let loose, and I loose myself
Seriously one of the best things in the World
Quilting , Card making, cooking you name it, I don’t like to follow plans, and if I do I always somehow put my mark, but every single thing I do, it comes from within, it really comes from the heart
If I don’t like it, and this is a great lesson, I learned with age, some might say, I just walk away, again, a lesson so hard to learn, but once you learn it, believe me it’s worth every single minute you battled to get there.
In my case, this has happened with People and with Things. Why when Life is so short, do we bother? When we know is not leading anyway.
In some people, it’s not their fault, not at all. In in certain stages in Life, you change, and you want other things, and you just can’t be bothered with certain attitudes
It’s good and it’s positive, it means you’re growing
Last night from 4 am, I just couldn’t sleep, first I was worrying about one thing, then with another, and you know what was really bothering me?
My first attempt of Art Journaling…. totally ridiculous I know…. specially for somebody, that at home, I’m just so relaxed, I love my little house, I adore this space, the way it makes me feel, it’s so relaxing, and the energy is just out of this world. This is the Home I created, and this is the space where I just feel 100% me
So last night I was disturbed, about a page I was creating, about a card that I made to a friend, and when I decided to write my message it just wasn’t right, the way it turned out to be
So there’s me at 4 am having these thoughts, that are just not like me. So I knew I had to do something
The card was easy to redo the part I didn’t like and alter it.
The page , well it had to disappear because it just wasn’t working for me. So like Real Life, I realized that I just create beautiful things, therefore that just didn’t work for me
Funny how your thoughts work, I kept comparing with real Life, with situations. The Human Mind is just amazing
So you ask, have you given up? Not at all
I’ll just have to approach it from a different angle, I’ll have to go soft, and probably just went too much the other way
But now I’ll start again, with a clean slate, and make sure, because I’m a novice, I’ll have to go slower
What have I learned from this experience?
Well that I truly put my heart on things I create
That I have a style, try and keep on those boundaries, yes allow small changes, in small doses
Don’t do extremes, being a balanced person, I should know that extreme changes is really not for me
So I have learned a lot as you can see, only with one page of my Moleskine
The beauty of this, is that with everything you do in Life you keep learning, and that, will never stop.
After all, a great experience, in a funny sort of way

Probably in hindsight not the best week to start, but such is Life, sometimes, things just don’t happened as you imagined or has you planned
I started, and I will show you later, but I wasn’t getting the vibes.
I don’t like to plan creativity, I like to go with the flow
My job, has to be extremely well planned, organized and so on, with my creative Life I let loose, and I loose myself
Seriously one of the best things in the World
Quilting , Card making, cooking you name it, I don’t like to follow plans, and if I do I always somehow put my mark, but every single thing I do, it comes from within, it really comes from the heart
If I don’t like it, and this is a great lesson, I learned with age, some might say, I just walk away, again, a lesson so hard to learn, but once you learn it, believe me it’s worth every single minute you battled to get there.
In my case, this has happened with People and with Things. Why when Life is so short, do we bother? When we know is not leading anyway.
In some people, it’s not their fault, not at all. In in certain stages in Life, you change, and you want other things, and you just can’t be bothered with certain attitudes
It’s good and it’s positive, it means you’re growing
Last night from 4 am, I just couldn’t sleep, first I was worrying about one thing, then with another, and you know what was really bothering me?
My first attempt of Art Journaling…. totally ridiculous I know…. specially for somebody, that at home, I’m just so relaxed, I love my little house, I adore this space, the way it makes me feel, it’s so relaxing, and the energy is just out of this world. This is the Home I created, and this is the space where I just feel 100% me
So last night I was disturbed, about a page I was creating, about a card that I made to a friend, and when I decided to write my message it just wasn’t right, the way it turned out to be
So there’s me at 4 am having these thoughts, that are just not like me. So I knew I had to do something
The card was easy to redo the part I didn’t like and alter it.
The page , well it had to disappear because it just wasn’t working for me. So like Real Life, I realized that I just create beautiful things, therefore that just didn’t work for me
Funny how your thoughts work, I kept comparing with real Life, with situations. The Human Mind is just amazing
So you ask, have you given up? Not at all
I’ll just have to approach it from a different angle, I’ll have to go soft, and probably just went too much the other way
But now I’ll start again, with a clean slate, and make sure, because I’m a novice, I’ll have to go slower
What have I learned from this experience?
Well that I truly put my heart on things I create
That I have a style, try and keep on those boundaries, yes allow small changes, in small doses
Don’t do extremes, being a balanced person, I should know that extreme changes is really not for me
So I have learned a lot as you can see, only with one page of my Moleskine
The beauty of this, is that with everything you do in Life you keep learning, and that, will never stop.
After all, a great experience, in a funny sort of way
This was the page, started like this, and it had pinks and browns in the end
And here is the card, after I made the changes
Have a great week everybody xx
6 August 2015
New hobby
……just because I have so much time, and not enough to do as it is…… 
When work, is to busy, I just don’t seem to be able to concentrate and get creative. Just doesn’t happen
So what I love to do then, is to watch You Tube, and just get lost, with the amazing artists that there are around the world.
It totally relaxes me, I just learn so much, and then I just can’t wait to try.
Obviously, we all have different styles, like different things, we’re all different.
I like to, at least try everything. You name it, knitting, crochet, sewing, quilting and the list goes on and on
In Patchwork, friends used to say, that they could tell which quilts were mine, you tend to have a soft spot for a colour, design, whatever
But I have a problem, well, more than one, if you really want to know … joking
I’m a perfectionist, and I’m sure I’m going to loose it a bit with this new hobby, I have to say, sometimes I needed to walk away I was quilting, because sometimes things just get messy
And in this new hobby, a lot of artists get really messy, that’s part of the fun, I know
But how far can I get that messy? I don’t know.
It’s going to be challenging
I don’t believe, I’ll be extremely adventurous, i.e. blacks… dark colours and so on. That’s just not me
I’m a soft (colours) kind of girl, so I’m sure it will show in my work.
Well I have part of the materials with me already, still a lot to arrive yet, but it’s exciting
Will I still do cards? Of course I will, because this new one, needs time to dry and so on
I love making cards, and that will always carry on, new techniques, to be tested, also there some exciting things happening, watch these space
In the next few days, I’m going to get lost, in my own little world, and start Art Journaling
Can’t wait, and it will be fun to watch my development, I’m going to try to go out of my comfort zone
Seriously I am… let’s just see if I can do it
Wish me luck…
A Gemini is always a Gemini …..
Meanwhile, enjoy Life, and make the most of every minute

When work, is to busy, I just don’t seem to be able to concentrate and get creative. Just doesn’t happen
So what I love to do then, is to watch You Tube, and just get lost, with the amazing artists that there are around the world.
It totally relaxes me, I just learn so much, and then I just can’t wait to try.
Obviously, we all have different styles, like different things, we’re all different.
I like to, at least try everything. You name it, knitting, crochet, sewing, quilting and the list goes on and on
In Patchwork, friends used to say, that they could tell which quilts were mine, you tend to have a soft spot for a colour, design, whatever
But I have a problem, well, more than one, if you really want to know … joking
I’m a perfectionist, and I’m sure I’m going to loose it a bit with this new hobby, I have to say, sometimes I needed to walk away I was quilting, because sometimes things just get messy
And in this new hobby, a lot of artists get really messy, that’s part of the fun, I know
But how far can I get that messy? I don’t know.
It’s going to be challenging
I don’t believe, I’ll be extremely adventurous, i.e. blacks… dark colours and so on. That’s just not me
I’m a soft (colours) kind of girl, so I’m sure it will show in my work.
Well I have part of the materials with me already, still a lot to arrive yet, but it’s exciting
Will I still do cards? Of course I will, because this new one, needs time to dry and so on
I love making cards, and that will always carry on, new techniques, to be tested, also there some exciting things happening, watch these space
In the next few days, I’m going to get lost, in my own little world, and start Art Journaling
Can’t wait, and it will be fun to watch my development, I’m going to try to go out of my comfort zone
Seriously I am… let’s just see if I can do it
Wish me luck…
A Gemini is always a Gemini …..

Meanwhile, enjoy Life, and make the most of every minute
31 July 2015
Living each day in Full
That’s what has been happening lately.
As you know, I have a full time job, which in normal circumstances is very busy, related to holidays, you would expect these months to be full on, and they have been, more so this year.
So when I get home, I’m exhausted, to be honest.
I always say, I have two Life’s, one from nine to six, and the ‘Other’
Well, the ‘Other’ this time of the year, really suffers, because work really takes all my energy.
Slowly I’m changing, one night is dedicated to Yoga, which I just love love love
And then the rest I have a few routines, being an organised person, I just love my small habits. Make sense, especially after a busy day.
My ‘Other’ Life is just Wonderful, I Love it so much, is just relaxed and it’s exactly what I dreamed a few years ago, and in the end of the day I just want to make and live it to the full.
Even if it means sitting in my Craft Room, for hours, just procrastinating, with my cups of tea, straight from the garden, listening to the birds outside, that for me is Heaven
So yes, I need to change a few things, less procrastinating has to be the next step, for sure, but it feels good, and I can do it sooooooo well ;-)
I would say I’m quite professional in doing so.
I live for the day, I Live for what it pleases me, and to those closer to me.
I’m a Lucky Lady, and I feel blessed every day, for reaching this way of Life and enjoying it like I do.
I’m grateful that after such a long time of not writing in my blog, I still have invitations, offers, which unfortunately now, I’m not able to take on, people still come to my blog every day and read it.
Thank You!!
It’s my plan to follow other routes in my Craft Journey.
Yes you can tell that I’ve been watching a lot of You Tube, there are so many amazing Artists, in this World, and I get so inspired by them.
I’m willing to try other things, every day, I want to learn something new every time
I’m in the process of buying even more materials, so I can do what I really like, try new stuff, it’s just so exciting, by the way, Amazon loves me.
I’ll go through with you, when things start taking shape, it’s just exciting at the moment, I’ll carry on with my cards, for sure, but I’ll have other things too
So this is it, I’m here but unfortunately not as present as I would like, in the Blog
Once again thank you for being there, it’s really appreciated
And once again, it’s definitely my goal, to come here more often.
Have Fun and Enjoy every Single minute of Life!!!
xx5 July 2015
SU Brick Wall embossing folder
This SU embossing folder have to be in my top list since the launch of the new catalogue.
Absolutely love it.
It’s just so versatile, and just looks amazing
I’ve added some white pigment ink pen so it brings out more of the brick
Really pleased with this one, and I’m sure I’ll be using it so many times
Totally in love with it

Absolutely love it.
It’s just so versatile, and just looks amazing
I’ve added some white pigment ink pen so it brings out more of the brick
Really pleased with this one, and I’m sure I’ll be using it so many times
Totally in love with it
@ stampin up
If you have any queries about the products used, please do not hesitate to ask
Hope you have a great week
Hope you have a great week
27 June 2015
You make me Happy!!! ….. Blog Hop
And the New Catalogue from Stampin Up is out.
It’s always a very exciting time, to see what new goodies are we going to be able to get
And it couldn’t be a better time for us to have a Blog Hop
I have been a bit slow, in putting my order, too many things at the moment, so it’s not surprising that when I need to make a card … I have to be extremely creative.
I have to admit, it’s great to do these blog hops, because I totally come out of my comfort zone
And this one is for you, the people that follow me here, in Facebook or Instagram, being the latter the one that gets updated more often, because it’s quicker.
I’m so grateful of your comments, your opinions, it’s always great to know what you, in that side think
Thank you so much
And here is my card,
I tried to give you a good selection of products
If you have any queries, about any of the products please feel free to ask
Meantime, have fun, and go and see all the amazing cards that the other Lovely Demonstrators are showcasing
Have fun!!!
Here are the products I used
20 June 2015
It’s a busy time …
As you know, I’m always short of time, it’s not new
The new Stampin Up Catalogue has launched and it has some lovely things, go and check it if you don’t believe me.
I want to say a Big Thank You, for using my shop, some of you are not leaving any contact, I think it does that by default.
If you want your privacy I totally understand, but just like me, when I started buying SU products, I was unaware that I wasn’t leaving any contact, and my demonstrator couldn’t contact me
If you have any questions, where I might be able to help, feel free to send me an email.
If you need any suggestion, I might be always rushing but I always have time to help
SU have a great offer at the moment, you spend £99.00 and you get £130.00 worth of products plus two free stamps, and automatically you become a demonstrator and you can benefit of 20% off your purchases
It’s a great time to join, also if you have a Facebook, you can join our group of demonstrators, there’s always one ready to help with any queries that you have
It’s fun, let me tell you.
You can be just a hobby demo, business, you pick what’s it’s convenient to you. No pressures
Meanwhile, I have been playing, my new Craft Room, is very distractive … that window facing the garden this time of the year…. not sure if it was a good idea.
I’m easily distracted
but it’s great!!
Anyway I have been playing with my ‘Crazy about You’ bundle and that new Banner Triple Punch.
I really love it
And here is the proof,

Next week, it’s Blog Hop, can’t wait.
It’s always so much fun when we can show you some products that are in the New Catalogue
Stay tuned, and see you next week x
The new Stampin Up Catalogue has launched and it has some lovely things, go and check it if you don’t believe me.
I want to say a Big Thank You, for using my shop, some of you are not leaving any contact, I think it does that by default.
If you want your privacy I totally understand, but just like me, when I started buying SU products, I was unaware that I wasn’t leaving any contact, and my demonstrator couldn’t contact me
If you have any questions, where I might be able to help, feel free to send me an email.
If you need any suggestion, I might be always rushing but I always have time to help
SU have a great offer at the moment, you spend £99.00 and you get £130.00 worth of products plus two free stamps, and automatically you become a demonstrator and you can benefit of 20% off your purchases
It’s a great time to join, also if you have a Facebook, you can join our group of demonstrators, there’s always one ready to help with any queries that you have
It’s fun, let me tell you.
You can be just a hobby demo, business, you pick what’s it’s convenient to you. No pressures
Meanwhile, I have been playing, my new Craft Room, is very distractive … that window facing the garden this time of the year…. not sure if it was a good idea.
I’m easily distracted

Anyway I have been playing with my ‘Crazy about You’ bundle and that new Banner Triple Punch.
I really love it
And here is the proof,
Next week, it’s Blog Hop, can’t wait.
It’s always so much fun when we can show you some products that are in the New Catalogue
Stay tuned, and see you next week x
31 May 2015
More cards and some recycling
As per some of my previous posts, you know I like to recycle, whenever I
Same with sewing, it gives me an extra buzz, when I can turn something into something more Special, at least to me
This happened again this week when I went to the Local Charity Book Shop, and I picked up this
Not sure if Mozart would have approved, mind you…
I’m still learning a lot, testing a lot, and it’s exciting
Because of some of my Friends are far away from me, I’m specially fond of anything that has envelopes, mail and messages
Therefore, I can’t get enough of making cards like this
Anyway, I better go and create a bit more today, I’m having a great weekend
in the Craft Room
Hope you are having a relaxed one too
Same with sewing, it gives me an extra buzz, when I can turn something into something more Special, at least to me
This happened again this week when I went to the Local Charity Book Shop, and I picked up this
Not sure if Mozart would have approved, mind you…
Because of some of my Friends are far away from me, I’m specially fond of anything that has envelopes, mail and messages
Hope you are having a relaxed one too
25 May 2015
I have been playing ….
Well as I keep testing and practicing new techniques, new materials and new stock, I have to say I never thought that card making could be so addictive.
During Spring/Summer time is more restricted, there’s always more time spent in the garden, with friends.
Work is very busy at the moment, so any spare time is just so precious, and every day I just feel so blessed, so thankful that I can create something that gives me total pleasure.
I don’t do as much as I would like, I take too much time, creating, thinking and putting them together.
Last week I only had about a dozen left, in stock, and a very Special Person, just took them all
Well that means I have no stock at the moment, so I better put my skates on
People keeping asking me about selling them, they are being sold, but not online yet, they don’t make it to the web, they taken before hand
So really I should do something about it.
I know, but for me, it’s more about the journey, at the moment. I’m sure it will change in the near future, but for now, I’m just enjoying the process
I’m a Very Lucky Lady, that’s all I can say
Here are some cards and a box with some chocolates

Anyway have a great week, and as for me, I‘m going to rebuild my stock
Take care xx
During Spring/Summer time is more restricted, there’s always more time spent in the garden, with friends.
Work is very busy at the moment, so any spare time is just so precious, and every day I just feel so blessed, so thankful that I can create something that gives me total pleasure.
I don’t do as much as I would like, I take too much time, creating, thinking and putting them together.
Last week I only had about a dozen left, in stock, and a very Special Person, just took them all
Well that means I have no stock at the moment, so I better put my skates on
People keeping asking me about selling them, they are being sold, but not online yet, they don’t make it to the web, they taken before hand
So really I should do something about it.
I know, but for me, it’s more about the journey, at the moment. I’m sure it will change in the near future, but for now, I’m just enjoying the process
I’m a Very Lucky Lady, that’s all I can say
Here are some cards and a box with some chocolates
The one with the owls, I took the idea from You Tube
The box card it was a Special one, for Mother’s Day, and yes Mum loved it
Anyway have a great week, and as for me, I‘m going to rebuild my stock
Take care xx
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