13 July 2011


Nao me esqueci de voces, jamais
Somente o tempo é pouco, para tudo, e infelizmente o blog é que sofre.
As obras continuam, o Patchwork de vento em poupa, e as pessoas, bem essas........ nao deixam de me surpreender, nunca a frase ‘ Quanto mais conheco as pessoas, mais gosto dos animais’ foi tao dita por mim.
Realmente a vida é assim, pontapé daqui pontapé dali, mas isso no fim tenho a certeza que nos vai fazer melhores pessoas.
Mas passando ao que realmente interessa, a cor que escolhi para um das paredes da cozinha, digamos que é chocante!! E de certeza que de manha quando for tomar o pequeno almoço acordo imediatamente, querem saber a cor? Querem ver a foto? ...... pois a cor eu sei qual é, logo vou ve-la na parede, e espero que seja como eu imaginei... a foto..... ui essa virá em breve, quando estiver tudo pronto.
Digamos que a cor significa esperança... esperanca de que eu aprenda com cada pontapé que estou a levar, esperanca de me comecar a por em primeiro lugar, e esperanca que amanha eu comece realmente a apreciar esta grande pessoa que realmente sou.

I haven’t forgotten you, ever
Only that time is not enough for everything, and unfortunately  the blog is the one that suffers
The building work continues, the Patchwork looking great, and the people, well ..... they don’t stop to surprise me, never the saying ‘ The more I know people the more I love the animals’ as been mention by me so many times
But I suppose this is life, one kick here, one kick there, but I guess that in the end I will be a much better person
But moving on to what really matters, the colour I chose to one of the walls of my kitchen, let’s say it’s shocking!! I have no doubts that when I come down every morning for brekfast, I wake up imediately, do you want to know the colour? Do you want to see a photo?....... well the colour is chosen, later today I am going to see it on the wall, and I hope that it will look just as I imagine... the photo.... soon when it’s all ready
Let’s just say that the colour means hope..... Hope that I learn with every kick, that I am getting, hope that I learn to put myself in first place, and hope that tomorrow I truly appreciate this great person that I really am.


  1. I'm a missing something? I agree with you, but people like us, who don't see "some people" as we should and wear our hearts on our sleeves, always learn the hard way! You are my sweet happy friend... the person that everytime I speak to gives me a little more hope towards and brighter and happier future! Whatever it is... it will pass, like some many other things have... want to see the kitchen colour! love you! Calinha!!!

  2. Love you tooo!!!

    Even more now that I am going to see you so soon


    And my lime lovely wall, very very bright ;-)

