22 August 2011


Ás vezes há dias cinzentos e dias mais cinzentos, hoje é um deles muito cinzento, entao decido 'parvalhar' (vai ser bonito traduzir isto ai vai vai)...
E isto é o que eu encontro:

Só faltam 20 anos, nove meses e 16 dias até eu me reformar
No dia 7 de Junho de 2032 vou ter direito a um passe gratis para o autocarro

Noticias fantásticas!!!

Só prova mesmo que o dia pode piorar.........

There are grey days, and there are very grey days, today is one of them, so I decide to be 'extra silly'
And this is what I find:

There's only 20 years, nine months and sixteen days till I retire
On the 7th of June 2032 I have the right to have a free bus pass

Great news!!!!!

Here is the proof that your day can get worse......


  1. Lol I think I get to retire a bit earlier... but I won't get a completely free bus pass, only half cost. Darn... I'm moving to the UK!
    We all have those days, my dear! Smile and laugh, the day is over!

  2. By the time that I'm nearly there, they'll change the dates again.... so I'm not holding my breath!!!

    But the day (work)is over, and tomorrow is going to be a great day

    Just arriving home, it makes all the difference.

