8 October 2011

The Knitting and Stitching Show I

Como já aqui tinha dito hoje acordei muito cedo, 6.30 am cedinho para mim e lá fui eu rumo ao Alexandra Palace, nao conhecia nem o palácio, e para ser sincera nem da sua existencia.
Mas hoje iria ficar marcado pela minha primeira visita  a uma exibicao deste género.
Hoje marcou tambem o primeiro dia a valer de Outono, onde as temperaturas estavam menos 8 graus do fim de semana passado.
Lá fui eu, de mochila, com máquina fotográfica e pronta para a minha aventura

As I have mention here before, today I woke up early, 6.30 am, early for me, mind you, and I went to Alexandra Palace, didn’t know the palace, and to be honest, didn’t know that it existed
But today would be marked by my first visit to an exhibition of this kind
And today we had the first real day of Autumn where the temperatures were 8 degrees lower than last weekend.
And off I went, rucksack, with camera and ready for my adventure

Alexandra Palace I 006
Alexandra Palace I 011
Alexandra Palace I 012
Alexandra Palace I 018
Alexandra Palace I 021
Alexandra Palace I 029
Alexandra Palace I 024

A paisagem simplesmente magnifica.
Amanha mostrarei as fotos de dentro, aquelas que eles deixavam, pois muitos nao permitiam.
Até amanha

The view was simply magnific
Tomorrow I will show inside, the ones that allowed
See you tomorrow

Alexandra Palace II 003

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