14 November 2012


It’s nice during the week to get a break away from computers, telephones and all of that.
And I’m a very Lucky Lady, don’t I know it. I live and work in a lovely city, surrounded by a gorgeous park.
So most of my lunchtimes, I go for a walk, it takes me around half an hour, walking fast to go around the lake, pass the cathedral and get some fresh air.
It’s just beautiful and so inspiring, and at the same time, because I don’t do gyms, I exercise.
So, the walk, the exercise, the scenery and the peace, it’s what my lunchtimes are all about it.
And I love it



The quality of the pictures is not that great, but it’s taken from my mobile, I suppose I should take the camera with me
I just can’t resist when this is what I’m surrounded
And I truly appreciate.
Have a nice evening x


  1. Indeed it is a gorgeous place Carla.

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  2. Thank You Regina

    You too have a great and peaceful Sunday

  3. É sempre bom aproveitar estes momentos. Eu gosto de levar o meu livro :)

  4. A minha intençao é mais o exercicio fisico.

    Dar á perninha ;-)
