17 August 2013

Saturday is all about ……..

Relaxing, sewing and enjoying every single minute of the day
The work top looks like this


To the right


It’s so important, this part too. Always in touch with my Friends.
And listening to a Portuguese Concert on You Tube, remembering my youth
Missing home today ….. unusual for me I know, but I am today Winking smile
What would we do without Internet, the best(est) thing to keep in ‘touch’ with those Special People in my Life
And to my left,


If you notice, there’s a DVD that I’m saving for tonight, my Friends, know I rarely watch films
But I am improving, last night watched ‘Sense and Sensibility’ yes I know it’s old, but it was the first for me
Tonight this one, is apparently one for lots of tears, Nicholas Sparks, what do you expect?
The’ Lucky One’ tonight
Well let me get back to the sewing
Have a great Saturday, and remember, Life is Short, so make the most of it


  1. Loved the lucky one! Watched last year in Portugal

  2. I can't wait to watch it Carla xxx

  3. "Saudade" essa palavra tão portuguesa, esse sentimento que ás vezes chega e nos faz sentir pequeninos, com lágrimas que escorrem sem nos apercebermos. Mas é esse sentimento que nos faz levantar a cabeça, olhar para a frente sem nunca desistirmos.
    E tal como tu dizes: Life is short, make the most of it!
    Have a wonderful Saturday too!

    1. É verdade Ligia, acho que com a idade estou a ficar mais lamechas, ou entao é dos filmes que ando a ver ;-). Hoje estou assim, e ainda este ano, estarei aí por uns dias, depois é que vai ser aproveitar.

      Beijocas grandes e um grande beijinho para ti xxx

  4. I really like your working space!

    1. Naná

      Let's say is very compact, but it's a very nice relaxed atmosphere, and the good thing is that I can leave it like that in the end of each night, and don't have to pack everything

      That helps, and the following day, I can just pick it up where I left

