25 September 2011

Absolutely beautifulllllllllll!!!!

A almofada que comecei ontem no curso, só agora, 22.00 da noite a consegui acabar.
Existem projectos que correm bem, outros menos bem, e uns perfeitamente!!
Digamos que este a meus olhos está LINDO!!!!
Desculpem nao tirar fotos agora mas venham cá amanha á noite e aí prometo que vos mostrarei a parte da frente da almofada.
Orgulhosa??? Nao é a palavra certa
Curiosos? Amanha as fotografias estarao aqui ;-)

The cushion that I started yesterday in the course, I only finished now, 22.00 in the evening.
There are projects that go well, others not so well, and some perfectly!!
Let's say this one is BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Excuse me for not taking pictures now, but come back tomorrow evening and I promise I will show you the front part of the cushion.
Proud??? It's not the right word
Curious? Tomorrow the picture will be here ;-)

PS- Wendy, we missed you in the class, I want to wish you all the very Best  in your new adventure, I will  pop in and see you, and I promise I will keep an eye in your Mum, she was trouble as always, and she was missing you terribly. Was sad not to see you, but Happy for you in the other news!! All the Very Best!!! xxx