7 June 2013

Special Day

And today is Special, yes it’s my Birthday
And this year I took a day off work, and just did what I wanted
It was just lovely, and to top it all up, I speak to everybody that make my Life Special
It feels like I’m on a Phone Centre, it just doesn’t stop
I’m so Lucky!!
I truly am, to have so many wonderful people in my Life
And in between chatting of course some sewing had to be included
It’s all ready for tomorrow, to be sandwiched and quilted
And yes, it’s my Liberty Quilt, that I can’t wait to be ready
So tomorrow is going to be a busy day

Thank You to All of you that make my Birthdays so Special
Love you xx


  1. Happy Birthday for yesterday, I'm pleased it was a perfect day for you. I love your binding it will look perfect when you are finished. Kate x

  2. Good Morning Lovely Kate

    Thank You. Hope you are feeling better

    A little bird told me that you have done something really pretty ;-)

    I haven't been so fortunate on that subject ;-)

    Can't wait to meet next week :-)

    Have a great week x

  3. Parabéns!! (Ainda que com alguns dias de atraso).

    Beijinhos. Que esteja tudo bem,

    1. Olá Linda Joana

      Há tanto tempo......

      Muito Obrigada e um grande beijinho e espero que estejas bem

      Beijocas grandes xx
